Saturday, 5 April 2014

Even A Failure In Business Can Teach You a Lot

What This  eBook Will Teach You

Even A Failure In Business Can Teach You a Lot 

When You are on Your Way to Success, 
You will Find Lot of Small - 2 Reasons 
and Persons Who would Kill your Big Dreams

Business Killer Thanks To Pinky Mam

Who can Kill your Big Dreams  ? 

Befor Start a New SME We wana Know, What Causes Companies to Fail ? 
List of Business Failures ? Why Aprox 90 Percentage of New IT Businesses That Fail within 2-3 Years World wide. Why Only 10 Percentage of Businesses That Succeed
How Many Small Businesses Fail Each Year, Why Do so Many Small Businesses Fail
Why New Businesses Fail, Internal Causes of Business Failure, External Causes of Business Failure

Our Success May be depended upon how Well and How Quickly We can Bounce Back from Failure. People Bounce back from Failure all the time but the Difference between those who Recover and Manage, and Those who Recover and Succeed, lies in the Individual’s Ability to Recover Quickly.  

Types of Failures             

There are Few Major Ways to Fail.  One way is to make a mistake or judgment call that Turns Out to be Wrong.  This happens in Sports Constantly.  The Coach of a Team may call the Wrong player that Cost his Team the Game.  It is also prevalent in Business.  The CEO of a company may decide to launch a new product that he thinks will bring dramatic growth for the company, but instead the Product may flop on the Market and the company rushes to Recover from the Loss.  You are Making Hundreds of Decisions a day so inevitably some of Those Decisions are going to be Wrong.  This type of failure revolves around what you did wrong.  That is hard for some people to take while others would Rather have that burden on their shoulders so that they can improve for the next time.

The other type of Failure is when you do everything right, put all of your efforts and energies into your pursuit of success, and even do everything to prevent something from going wrong, but in the end, you still come up short.  These kinds of letdowns are particularly hard to handle because of the feelings of helplessness associated with them.

Take up One Great Idea. 
Make That One Idea Your Life 
Think of One Great Idea
Dream of One Great Idea
Live on that One Great Idea 
Let the Brain, Muscles, Nerves, 
Every Part of Your Body
Be Full of that One Great Idea
And Just Leave Every Other Idea Alone
This is The Way To Success
That is the Way Great Giants are Produced

When You are on Your Way to Success, You will Find Lot of Small - 2 Reasons and Persons Who would Kill your Big Dreams

What this eBook will teach you:

Download this Business Tips eBook & You'll Learn The Basic and  Classic Mistakes That 99% CEOs of Failure Business Candidates Make As They Prepare And Take The Exam. 
Discover What Many Companies Don't Want You To Know!

The Most Important Tips

The One Approach To Take During The Speaking That DOUBLES Your Chances Of Getting A Top Speaking Score 

How To Transform Your Destructive Thoughts Into Powerful Goals.
That Make Your Business Success Inevitable

How Fear & Expecting Bad Results on the Business is poisoning the way you Prepare for 

Why Changing Your Staff Too Often  Can Hurt Your Score (And How To Fix This Bad Habit Permanently)

Why Trying To Memorize Your Way To A Better Business Is A Recipe For Disaster

You are so young - there will be many opportunities for you to follow your dreams. It sounds like you are not in the US - where people get to take course over, reapply to college etc. Is it not possible for you to find another avenue to your goal? Good luck - always believe in yourself. You just hit a pothole in the road of life. Your family should be supportive and not beat you down.

What Causes Companies to Fail,
List of Business Failures,
Percentage of New Businesses That Fail,
Percentage of Businesses That Succeed,
How Many Small Businesses Fail Each Year,
Why Do so Many Small Businesses Fail
Why New Businesses Fail
External Causes of Business Failure

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